“Ugliest House in Northern New Jersey” Contest

By mark-slade May 3, 2011

“Ugliest House in Northern New Jersey” Contest

  There’s No Shame in Being Ugly!
        “Ugliest House in Northern New Jersey” Contest         Now Under Way
– Call for Entries Open to Real Estate Investors Who Buy Ugly Houses –
HomeVestors® of America, Inc., known as the “We Buy Ugly Houses®” company, is calling for entries in the 2011 “Ugliest House in Northern New Jersey” contest.   All real estate investors in the Northern New Jersey area are invited to nominate the ugliest houses they bought at any point between March 1, 2010 and May 15, 2011.  The contest winner will receive a $100.00 gift certificate to Lowe’s, the home improvement store.  The prize is sponsored by Lowe’s.
The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2011.  Voting will take place from June 1 to July 15.  Visit www.TheUgliestHouse.com for more information.
HomeVestors is known for buying ugly houses, and houses from people in ugly situations, and rehabbing them.  Many of the rehabbed homes are sold on the retail market; others are maintained as rental properties.
“There’s no shame in being ugly, especially when today’s ugly house can be tomorrow’s beautiful home,” said David Hicks, co-president of HomeVestors of America.  “Beautiful homes easily attract attention.  This contest celebrates the ugly ones — the ones that may be homely now but will be lovely after they’ve had a HomeVestors makeover.”
Rules of the “Ugliest House in Northern New Jersey” contest:

  • Any investor can enter ugly houses he/she owns/owned in the area.
  • An ugly house cannot be entered if the original occupant still lives there; the original occupant must have vacated.
  • The ugly house already may have been rehabbed; that’s okay, as long it was ugly at some point between March 1, 2010 and May 15, 2011.
  • Houses must have been investor-owned at the time they were ugly.
  • There is no limit to the number of ugly houses that can be entered by each investor.

To submit a house in the contest, email ugliesthouse@homevestors.com by May 15, 2011:

  • A detailed description of the ugly house.
  • Photos of the nominated houses showing what makes each house ugly.
  • One-minute videos also may be submitted by first uploading each video to YouTube and then providing a link as part of the submission.
  • The name, email address and phone number of the investor submitting the contest entry.

Dallas-based HomeVestors of America, Inc., the #1 buyer of houses in the U.S., was incorporated and began franchising in 1996.  The first franchise company of its kind, HomeVestors trains and supports franchisees that specialize in buying homes (discount properties) and rehabbing them.  Most commonly known as the “We Buy Ugly Houses” company, HomeVestors strives to make a positive impact in each community.  In 2010, for the fifth consecutive year, HomeVestors was among the prestigious Franchise Business Review’s “Top 50 Franchises,” a distinction awarded to franchisors with the highest level of franchisee satisfaction.  For more information, visit www.HomeVestors.com.  To learn more about the HomeVestors franchise, visit www.HomeVestorsfranchise.com.