As we approach the New Year, the buzz about town if our latest Reval(uation) for tax purposes.
For starters: If you need any help, I am more than happy to sit and review your situation as I have my degree in Economics, I have successfully won 2 tax appeals, as a realtor I have access to a lot of comps and lastly, I am trained in Advanced Home Valuation techniques.
What are the issues:
1. Our starting point was the relatively high tax structure of Essex County.
2. We have seen our town’s operating budget increase 70% to $97Million in the past 10 years.
3. What should we do about it?
Well, that really depends on what your preferences and needs are? If you have kids in the schools, if you or both of you work in NYC and take Mid-Town Direct, what are your alternatives? Let’s face it, despite the occasional problems with NJ Transit, we still have, on average, one of the best commutes to NYC there is and even with our taxes, we have one of the more affordable communities within a 25 mile radius of NYC.
At the same time, If you don’t have children in the school system, If you don’t work in NYC and if your home is paid off, then can you possibly re-invest in a new home that would save you money or allow you to make more money if you invest the proceeds from a potential sale?
Love to get your thoughts on the subject.
And, if you need any Re-Val fightin help, please feel free to contact me at 917.797.5059.