Help Miabelle at St. George’s Bone Marrow Registry Drive Today

By mark-slade March 27, 2011

Help Miabelle at St. George’s Bone Marrow Registry Drive

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Little Miabelle Gillier needs to find a bone marrow match to fight a rare disease; you can help.
In the face of so many overwhelming world events of late, you may feel powerless to help. But there is one very concrete thing you can do today to help a little girl from your own town.
St. George’s Episcopal Church in Maplewood is holding a bone marrow registry drive on March 27, 2011 from noon to 3 p.m. in an effort to save the life of little Miabelle Gillier of Maplewood. Miabelle is in need of a bone marrow transplant to help fight the rare disorder HLH — or Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis.
All you need to do is give a simple cheek swab to determine if you could be the one to save Miabelle.
You can participate in the drive or visit the bone marrow registry website at For information on how to make financial contributions, visit here.
To register, you only need to be between the ages of 18-60 years, be willing to donate, and meet the health guidelines.
Miabelle first became ill in January, but did not have a final diagnosis of HLH until mid-February. She is being treated with chemotherapy but ultimately needs to find a bone marrow match to fight the disease successfully. Currently, she is in Cincinnati receiving treatment at Cincinnati Childrens’ Hospital, the leading medical center for treatment of this rare disorder in the U.S.
Despite her many trials, surgeries, medicals tests, pain, and separation from her twin sister Noelie, Miabelle (who turned 1 on February 19), is a smiling happy girl with a keen sense of rhythm and appreciation for classic pop tunes (see the YouTube video).
Mom and dad Vanessa and Olivier are chronicling Miabelle’s journey in a compelling blog that explains Miabelle’s disease and treatment in detail. Visit it here.
Miabelle’s mom has been overwhelmed with the support of family, friends and strangers alike, writing this on her blog:

It continues to amaze me how quickly word has spread across the globe about our little angel and the horrible predicament our family has been faced with…. Yesterday I received an email copy of a message [a stranger] sent out to all her contacts asking for their help in trying to find Miabelle a donor match. Complete strangers. All compelled to help make a difference in Miabelle’s outcome. It boggles the mind and warms the heart. I know that there is good in this world, and I feel so fortunate to witness the outreach and feel the overwhelming support from all corners of the globe on behalf of precious little Miabelle. Thank you all for your diligence and determination. Friends, family and strangers alike – YOU ROCK!!!

It’s a quick test (I have been tested) and you may be able to save a life!  Mark Slade