Having Moved from Brooklyn to NJ: this comes from a recent posting

By mark-slade February 6, 2011

“My sister-in-law and her fam lived in matawan and now nearby in colts neck. They raised 3 wonderful kids there, good schools,but from my experience, and hers, actually, there is a lot less racial and socio-economic diversity. It is not arty. It is 20-30 mins further on the train and as far as I know they don’t have an express train. I think a lot depends on what kind of city access and daily environment you want. Its v nice down there just more suburban. West of here is,again, further from city but some cute towns morristown madison…we moved here blindly knowing nothing about nj 5 yrs ago but friends who shared our values in citywere going to mplwd and s.orange so we just made the leap. And we’re v happy with the community. Good luck!