Cheer Your Town: Cast A Vote For Montclair

By mark-slade March 31, 2011

Cheer Your Town: Cast A Vote For Montclair

Help the Township win a cash prize
Section Sponsored By  <a href=’;grp=[group];alias=ox-montclair-slot7;size=300×120;target=_blank;loc=300;key=the-neighborhood-files’ target=’_blank’> <img border=’0′ height=’120′ src=’;grp=[group];alias=ox-montclair-slot7;size=300×120;target=_blank;loc=300;key=the-neighborhood-files’ width=’300′ /> </a>
Following a path of incredible perseverance, residents helped Montclair become one of only 10 towns to win the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company’s “Bring Back The 4th Contest” last year. Indeed, the town was presented with a check for $10,000 at a ceremony in early July, marked by great praise for Montclair’s community spirit, allowing the town’s July 4th fireworks celebration to go forward despite budget cuts.
Now there’s a new contest to rally around. A “Cheer Your Town” contest sponsored by Reader’s Digest allows people to vote for their community with an eye towards winning a cash prize.
So far, Montclair only has 31 “cheers” ranking it at number 872 out of nearly 10,000 towns.
The top “cheered” town so far is Rancho Cordova, California with 371,520 cheers. The top “cheered” town in New Jersey is Collingswood with 4,140 cheers.
A total of 10 Municipal Prizes will be awarded in the form of a donation to the towns with the most cheers plus promotional support through coverage in Reader’s Digest outlets that include the 30 million-readership-strong flagship magazine, website, and iPad application.
The first place prize is $40,000; the second place prize is $25,000; the four runner-up prizes are $10,000; and the four category-based runner-up prizes are $10,000.
Entries must be received by May 30, 2011.
For more information and to “cheer” Montclair, go here.