3 Simple Tips for Creating Your Ideal Income

By mark-slade January 20, 2011

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 3 Simple Tips for Creating Your Ideal Income

By Dr. Maya Bailey Print Article Print Article

RISMEDIA, January 20, 2011—Most of us start off the New Year with the best of intentions. We all have a deep longing in our hearts for this year to be the best year yet. We even make resolutions.
Sadly, however, most resolutions are forgotten by January 30. Before we know it, we are caught up in the same reactive cycle as we were before. The following tips will help you create a new paradigm for success.
1. Use the power of your imagination.
Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Have you imagined how you want your professional life to look in 12 months from today?
If you haven’t already, try this: close your eyes and create your ideal professional life.
a. See yourself doing work you love and see how many hours a week you are doing it.
b. Ask yourself what kind of people you want to be working with. Who are your ideal clients and colleagues?
c. What are your ideal physical surroundings for your work environment?
d. What is your ideal income in 12 months?
So far, so good. Now put yourself into this visualization and feel what it feels like to be in the picture of your ideal professional life. What positive feelings are you experiencing? Most people report such feelings as peaceful, calm, excited, confident, satisfied, etc.
What are your unique feelings? Can you allow yourself to experience them now?
The more you can feel these feelings and practice them every day, the more you will magnetize the events leading up to the feelings to land in your lap. You get what you focus on. Focus on your ideal professional life and that’s what you’ll get.
2. Become aware of your obstacles, challenges, self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging strategies.
Now that you’re clear on where you want to be professionally in 12 months from now, and you know exactly what you want your income to be, ask yourself this question: What would I have to overcome to reach this goal. What would need to be dissolved? What blocks would you need to remove?
After 30 years of coaching people to be more fully empowered, I can honestly say that most people realize that they are the ones holding themselves back.
To become aware of how you may be holding yourself back, look at your self-limiting beliefs, your self-sabotaging strategies and the tone of your self talk.
a. When you are able to identify the self-limiting beliefs, like, “I don’t have what it takes to succeed,” then practice reprogramming those beliefs to empowered beliefs like “I have all I need to succeed.”
b. You’ll be able to recognize your self-sabotaging strategies because they will show up as avoidance or procrastination. Usually with the help of a good coach or mentor you can learn to reverse those self-sabotaging strategies into ones that will serve you.
c. What is the tone of your self talk? If you judge yourself or berate yourself, then your inner critic (also known as the gremlin) is in charge. Your inner critic thinks it’s trying to help you to be successful, but it’s actually destroying your confidence. I highly recommend learning how to tame your gremlin if you’re committed to your own success.
3. Have a plan to reach your goals.
So far we’ve explored how you need clarity about your goals as well as being able to clear away negative beliefs and anything that would get in the way. Now we need to explore where “the rubber meets the road.”
a. Ask yourself if you have a crystal clear action plan.
b. Do you have a time management system to implement your plan?
c. Do you have a plan for accountability? This is where coaching comes in handy. You have a witness for your accountability. Do you have any idea how much more accountable to yourself you become when someone is meeting with you week after week and saying, “How did that action step go?”
d. Do you know your unique selling point?
e. Do you know your niche and your target market?
f. Do you have a tangible plan to reach your target market, identify their problem and provide a solution?
In summary, to create your ideal income, you must know where you want to be, clear away the obstacles getting in your way and know how to get there.
Dr. Maya Bailey, Multiple 6 Figure Income Business Coach for Real Estate Professionals, integrates her 20 years of experience as a psychologist with 14 years of expertise in marketing. Her powerful transformational work creates a Success Formula for Real Estate Professionals ready to create a Multiple 6 Figure Income. To get your free report: “7 Simple Strategies to More Clients in 90 Days” and to apply for an Initial Complimentary Consultation, go to www.90daystomoreclients.com.